Sam Aydlette

Author and Cybersecurity Practitioner

Building a Compliance Automation Pipeline in AWS For Less than $5000

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization or employer.
As organizations continue to migrate their infrastructure to the cloud and address technical debt from legacy cloud infrastructures, achieving and maintaining compliance has become increasingly complex and expensive. But it doesn't have to be. In this article, I'll share my experience implementing a compliance-as-code approach in AWS, focusing on automated security controls and continuous compliance monitoring. This solution typically costs less than $5,000 annually for a moderately-sized SaaS application running on serverless infrastructure, and I'll break down exactly where those costs come from.

Cost Breakdown

Before diving into the technical details, let's address the $5,000 claim with a detailed breakdown of annual costs:

  • AWS Config: ~$2,400 ($200/month for recording config changes across accounts)
  • Security Hub: ~$1,200 ($100/month for centralized security findings)
  • GuardDuty: ~$600 ($50/month for threat detection)
  • CloudWatch Logs: ~$400 ($33/month for log aggregation)
  • Lambda Functions: ~$100 (minimal costs for serverless automation)
  • EventBridge: ~$100 (event routing for automation)
  • Secrets Manager: $180 ($15/month for secret rotation and storage)
  • Optional - ECR: ~$120 ($10/month for container image storing and scanning)
  • Optional - Fargate: $100 ($8.33/month for Fargate Container Insights monitoring)

Total: ~$4,800-$5,200 annually. These estimates assume a moderate workload with proper configuration of logging and monitoring. Your actual costs may vary based on scale and specific requirements.

The Foundation: Infrastructure as Code

Control Tower serves as the core AWS service for establishing a secure multi-account architecture. Begin by setting up Control Tower to create your landing zone, which automatically configures your management account, security account, and log archive account following AWS best practices. Use Organizations to implement a hierarchical structure with Organizational Units (OUs) for different environments (Dev, Prod, etc.) and workload types.

A key success factor is implementing strict naming conventions and tagging strategies from the start. Here's an example tagging strategy that satisfies most compliance frameworks:

                        const tagDefinitions = {
                          Environment: ['dev', 'stage', 'prod'],
                          CostCenter: ['product-*', 'infrastructure-*'],
                          DataClassification: ['public', 'internal', 'confidential', 'restricted'],
                          ComplianceFramework: ['NIST800-53', 'SOC2', 'PCI', 'HIPAA'],
                          SecurityZone: ['dmz', 'private', 'restricted'],
                          Owner: '',
                          AutomationExempt: ['true', 'false']

                        const tagValidation = new CustomResource(this, 'TagValidation', {
                          serviceToken: tagValidationFunction.functionArn,
                          properties: {
                            requiredTags: Object.keys(tagDefinitions),
                            tagPatterns: tagDefinitions,
                            resourceType: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'

The Pipeline: Configuration-as-Code Using Config

AWS Config is the backbone of your compliance monitoring. Here's a practical example of a conformance pack that implements NIST 800-53 AC-2 (Account Management) and AC-3 (Access Enforcement) controls:

                            Type: AWS::Config::ConformancePack
                              ConformancePackName: nist-800-53-baseline
                              TemplateBody: |
                                    Type: String
                                    Default: "90"
                                    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule
                                      ConfigRuleName: iam-password-policy
                                        MaxPasswordAge: ${MaxPasswordAge}
                                        Owner: AWS
                                        SourceIdentifier: IAM_PASSWORD_POLICY
                                  # AC-3: Access Enforcement
                                    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule
                                      ConfigRuleName: s3-bucket-public-read-prohibited
                                        Owner: AWS
                                        SourceIdentifier: S3_BUCKET_PUBLIC_READ_PROHIBITED
                                  # Custom rule for session management
                                    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule
                                      ConfigRuleName: iam-role-max-session-duration
                                        Owner: CUSTOM_LAMBDA
                                        SourceIdentifier: ${MaxSessionDurationFunctionArn}

Control Validation: Automated Remediation with Security Hub

Security Hub findings should trigger automated remediation where possible. Here's an example of a Lambda function that automatically remediates common security issues:

                        import boto3
                        from typing import Dict, Any

                        def handle_security_finding(event: Dict[str, Any], context: Any) -> None:
                            finding = event['detail']['findings'][0]
                            # Define remediation mappings
                            remediation_actions = {
                                'S3_BUCKET_PUBLIC_READ_PROHIBITED': remediate_public_s3,
                                'IAM_PASSWORD_POLICY': remediate_password_policy,
                                'EXPOSED_ACCESS_KEYS': rotate_access_keys
                            # Execute appropriate remediation
                            rule_id = finding['Types'][0].split('/')[1]
                            if rule_id in remediation_actions:
                            # Log remediation for compliance

                        def remediate_public_s3(finding: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
                            s3 = boto3.client('s3')
                            bucket_name = finding['Resources'][0]['Id'].split('/')[-1]
                            # Block public access
                                    'BlockPublicAcls': True,
                                    'IgnorePublicAcls': True,
                                    'BlockPublicPolicy': True,
                                    'RestrictPublicBuckets': True

Control Monitoring: Real-time Compliance Monitoring

Implement a comprehensive monitoring strategy using EventBridge rules that trigger based on compliance-related events. Here's an example that monitors for critical compliance violations:

                            "source": ["aws.securityhub"],
                            "detail-type": ["Security Hub Findings - Imported"],
                            "detail": {
                                "findings": [{
                                    "Severity": {
                                        "Label": ["CRITICAL"]
                                    "Types": ["Software and Configuration Checks/Industry and Regulatory Standards/NIST-800-53"],
                                    "Compliance": {
                                        "Status": ["FAILED"]
                                    "Workflow": {
                                        "Status": ["NEW"]

GitOps Implementation

Implement a GitOps workflow that ensures all infrastructure changes go through proper security review. Here's an example GitHub Actions workflow that includes security scanning:

                        name: Infrastructure Security Validation
                              - 'infrastructure/**'
                              - 'compliance/**'
                            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                              - uses: actions/checkout@v2
                              - name: Configure AWS Credentials
                                uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
                              - name: Setup Node.js
                                uses: actions/setup-node@v2
                              - name: Install dependencies
                                run: npm install
                              - name: Run Security Scan
                                run: |
                                  # Scan IaC templates
                                  npx cfn-lint cdk.out/*.template.json
                                  npx cfn-nag-scan cdk.out/*.template.json
                                  # Validate against compliance rules
                              - name: Check for Sensitive Data
                                uses: trufflesecurity/trufflehog@v3
                                  path: "."
                                  base: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
                                  head: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

Container Security: Pre-hardened Images and Fargate

While many modern SaaS applications can run entirely on serverless infrastructure like Lambda, you may need containers for specific workloads. When using containers, AWS Fargate provides a serverless container runtime that maintains much of the operational simplicity of Lambda while supporting containerized workloads. Here's how to implement container security in your compliance pipeline:

                        # CDK code for secure Fargate service
                        const taskDefinition = new ecs.FargateTaskDefinition(this, 'SecureTask', {
                          cpu: 256,
                          memoryLimitMiB: 512,
                          executionRole: executionRole,
                          taskRole: taskRole,

                        // Use hardened base image
                        const container = taskDefinition.addContainer('AppContainer', {
                          image: ecs.ContainerImage.fromAsset('../app', {
                            // Use multi-stage build with hardened base image
                            file: '',
                            buildArgs: {
                              BASE_IMAGE: 'amazonlinux:2023-minimal'
                          logging: new ecs.AwsLogDriver({
                            streamPrefix: 'secure-app',
                            mode: ecs.AwsLogDriverMode.NON_BLOCKING
                          environment: {
                            NODE_ENV: 'production',
                            // Inject secrets at runtime
                            DB_SECRET: secrets.secretFromSecretsManager('db-secret').secretValue

                        // Apply security group rules
                        const securityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'ServiceSG', {
                          description: 'Security group for Fargate service',
                          allowAllOutbound: false  // Explicitly manage outbound rules

When using containers, implement these security controls:

  • Use AWS or 3rd party provided hardened container images, or maintain your own hardened base images that are regularly scanned and updated
  • Implement ECR image scanning and only deploy images with no HIGH or CRITICAL vulnerabilities
  • Use multi-stage builds to minimize the attack surface of your final container image
  • Enable Fargate container insights for runtime monitoring
  • Use Secrets Manager for injecting secrets at runtime instead of building them into images

Here's an example of a hardened Dockerfile using multi-stage builds:

                        # Build stage
                        FROM amazonlinux:2023 AS builder
                        # Install only necessary build dependencies
                        RUN dnf update -y && \
                            dnf install -y nodejs npm && \
                            dnf clean all
                        WORKDIR /build
                        COPY package*.json ./
                        # Install production dependencies only
                        RUN npm ci --only=production
                        # Copy application code
                        COPY . .
                        # Final stage
                        FROM amazonlinux:2023-minimal
                        # Install runtime dependencies only
                        RUN dnf update -y && \
                            dnf install -y nodejs && \
                            dnf clean all
                        # Create non-root user
                        RUN useradd -r -s /bin/false appuser
                        # Copy only necessary files from builder
                        WORKDIR /app
                        COPY --from=builder --chown=appuser:appuser /build/node_modules ./node_modules
                        COPY --from=builder --chown=appuser:appuser /build/dist ./dist
                        # Switch to non-root user
                        USER appuser
                        # Set secure defaults
                        ENV NODE_ENV=production \
                            NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error \
                            NODE_OPTIONS='--max-old-space-size=2048 --max-http-header-size=16384'
                        CMD ["node", "dist/index.js"]

Add Config rules to monitor container compliance:

                            Type: AWS::Config::ConformancePack
                              ConformancePackName: container-security
                              TemplateBody: |
                                    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule
                                      ConfigRuleName: ecr-image-scanning-enabled
                                        Owner: AWS
                                        SourceIdentifier: ECR_PRIVATE_IMAGE_SCANNING_ENABLED
                                    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule
                                      ConfigRuleName: fargate-insights-enabled
                                        Owner: CUSTOM_LAMBDA
                                        SourceIdentifier: ${FargateInsightsFunctionArn}
                                    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule
                                      ConfigRuleName: container-logging-enabled
                                        Owner: CUSTOM_LAMBDA
                                        SourceIdentifier: ${ContainerLoggingFunctionArn}

Cost Optimization Tips

To keep costs under $5,000 annually while maintaining effective compliance:

  • Configure AWS Config to only record changes for in-scope resources
  • Use custom Config rules instead of managed rules where possible to reduce evaluation costs
  • Implement intelligent log filtering in CloudWatch to reduce storage costs
  • Use EventBridge rules to trigger Security Hub evaluations only when needed
  • Leverage AWS Organizations for volume discounts across accounts

The key to success is starting with a well-planned tagging strategy and building automated enforcement from day one. This prevents technical debt and reduces the need for costly remediation efforts later.

If you followed the instructions in this article and would like to share your experience, please reach out via the Contact Me page!